To do lists. Calendars. Sticky notes. The tools of an overly obsessed university student who is bent on getting the best grades possible. Organization is key but many students here in the UAE complain about burnout between managing their studies, a social life and their Netflix to-watch playlist. Managing your time and your energy is key to living a healthy and well balanced life as a young adult.
Maintaining your energy means focusing on the positive side of life. We have so much to be grateful for having the opportunity to advance our studies in one of the better developed countries in the world. Many people worldwide would be desperate to get the opportunity to study, especially in one of the most progressive countries in the region. Having any type of support to encourage higher learning is a privilege, and one that shouldn’t be taken shortly.
Maintaining your energy also means focusing on yourself. Between social media and the social lives of our fellow students, finding me time to readjust, settle and to cope with the stresses of life can be tough. Rediscovering an old hobby, going to the gym or even just going for a nice walk are all great means of centering yourself and keeping your energy levels high.
Maintaining your energy also means to focus on what really matters at the end of the day. As university students, we have the privilege to learn the tools that will enable us to be the future leaders of the world and create real change. The destination is the end goal. What grade you got in a conceptual Physics class may not matter as much as the lasting change you can make once you have landed your first job out of school. Keep things in perspective and know that though energy is a finite resource, you have an abundance of it available if you focus on what really matters.
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