E-sports have redefined the gaming industry throughout the last two decades. Nowadays, gamers have the opportunity to broadcast their wins, loses and triumphs through online portals. Not only has the surge of gaming given thousands, possibly millions, of people worldwide a chance to express themselves and show their skills, it has turned into another stream of income for many people. Here are a list of the ten best live-streaming services for gamers:


  1. YouTube Gaming

Youtube Gaming is arguably the most dominant live streaming platform on the market now, given how established Youtube is. People can upload themselves commenting on gaming, or uploading their own footage. The site gives content creators a good way to earn income through Google Adsense as well. 


      2.    Twitch

Since their purchase by Amazon in 2014, Twitch has become nearly synonymous with online game streaming. The diversity of users and sheer number of viewers gives participants a wide market to tap into. 


        3.     Mixer

Unique to its title, MIxer allows people to co-stream with other creators on their platform. A maximum of four people can stream online during one session. Along with the real time analytics and statistics, the platform is quickly rising to be one of the most efficient channels. 


        4.       Hitbox

Hitbox has all of the features that most gaming channels have, yet the color schemes and combinations are different. The website is good in terms of attractive, unique interfaces and is renown for its categorization feature.


        5.        Gosu Gamers

This is a recommendation for “rookie” game streamers. Since the website allows for a variety of file types for uploading, including lower resolution ones, the community collaboration is wide. 


         6.            Dlive

The selling point for Dlive is the ease in which users can get started, availability of new users and access to a wide variety of rewards. The website gained notoriety when popular vlogger/gamer Pewdiepie announced he’d be streaming his content through there.