Cramming your head face first into books or articles make seem like the tried and true way to learn but with so many evolutions in the field of learning, what may have seemed efficient can actually be really redundant. “Work smarter not harder” is a common catchphrase that gets thrown around often in the fields of academics, athletics and self-improvement. Here are some practical tips to make sure your work and studies go according to plan and give you more time to handle your other affairs.
Focus on the concept first
When learning, always try to understand the whole idea rather than the details first. Learning is a lot like sailing. When you first get on the boat you have a map and a destination that gives you a bigger picture and a final destination. Know what you want to get out of a lesson first and ground your intention before picking up any piece of learning material. Once you see the endzone you will know what play to call.
Learn in intervals
As you tackle any project the most efficient way to make sure it gets handled the right way is by compartmentalizing it. Break it up into palatable sections and take your time with your work. A good tip is that for every hour take a 15 minute break, especially when your working on a computer.
Understand what type of learning you are doing
There are three distinct types of learning; accidental conscious and deliberate. Accidental are those facts we get purely out of coincidence. Conscious learning are the type of facts that we learn that do not particularly serve a point, like Snapple Facts. The third type of learning is the type that we should apply. This is called deliberate learning. When we are learning deliberately, we are focused and diligent because we are retaining information that will purposefully help us later. When you learn in a deliberate manner, you are learning the right way.
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