Generational and sometimes cultural differences can interfere with us having a great relationship with our professors. The course may be interesting, but if our level of understanding isn’t on point with the one leading the class, we can see a drop in our grades. It’s often the case the we hear of students complaining of a professor that teaches too slow, too fast or not in depth a lot. And if we feel that we aren’t understanding where our professor is coming from, it can create a sense of animosity.
The professor to student relationship has the potential to be a very nurturing one. You can learn more subtext about your subject and even learn about how they made the transition from a university student to a person with a career. There are methods you can adhere to strengthen your professor to student bond.
It’s never a bad idea to introduce yourself, especially in larger lectures, so the teacher can put a face to the many names they have to teach day to day. If you are struggling in your course, the best thing to do is to approach your professor early and honestly. Even if they may not have the time to tutor you, they can direct you to where you may be able to get more help. Usually if you come to them with a specific issue or question, they will generally take the time to help. Take the time to ask them about how they may have dealt with issues like study organization or test anxiety.
If you do however feel that you are being treated in an unfair way, you should never hesitate to tell a senior official within your university. You are there to learn. And a situation that is conducive to your learning should be addressed as soon as possible. Professors are adults that mostly can empathize with your struggles as a university student. If you want to have a stronger connection with your professor or teacher, be inquisitive and show that you are there to learn first and foremost . Who knows, you may make a lifelong friend along the way.
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