As a person starting their university career, let alone their career, thinking about the legacy you want to leave as a student might seem too big to conceive. You’re obviously conscious of the way that people perceive you now, but taking the time to think about how you’ll be remembered is a long distance thought. Even though we may not have a clear vision of how our legacy will be left, what we can do is set the bricks in order to build the wall.
As students, the most powerful tool that we have at our disposal is the power of our brain, the power of our mind. Taking a moment to imagine how we want our life and future to look like is the first and most pivotal step to building our legacy. Then think about the distance; always remember that the distance is the difference. The space from where you are to where you will be is vital in recognizing what it takes to get to where you want to be. When you know where you want to go and how you’d like to be remembered and honored, then you can figure out the path that you’re going to take. More important than just what you know are the skills and the people that you surround yourself with. It’s not a selfish endeavor to surround yourself with people, friends and support systems around you that love, care and nurture your well being.
Beyond what you just do or accomplish, how you make people feel is really important. Skills that bounce back and forth between what you do and how you interact with people is what’s best to hone in on. Words like trustworthy, reliable and warm are all up to you as an individual; the way that you move affects how close these words will remain towards your persona. It’s okay to have heroes, people that you look up to and admire certain characteristics in. Recognizing that everyone has their own path, and it’s precedent on time and resources, is important. Do what you can and live in your truth to forge forward and make your own lane in life, as a student, a career person and a human on the Earth.
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