When we are reaching the finish line towards graduation, we’re obviously struck by a myriad of different emotions. Pride about the accomplishment of staying committed to your degree, gratefulness about the friends and teachers you’ve had and maybe a sense of uncertainty. For as much as college graduation is a rite of passage onto the next level, it brings about new challenges as we move further into adulthood.


Given the worldwide circumstances as well, the job market for young college graduates isn’t as set in stone as it once was. The 2020 job market and moving forward shared a lot of parallels to the 2009 graduating class, diving straight into the workforce during the Great Housing Recession. Job connecting platforms have shown significant dips in the number of jobs available, especially in regards to entry level positions. 


In terms of competing for a permanent full-time position, the Class of 2020 will have to compete with the Class of 2021 as well. Along with emerging markets, the rise of IT and automation and globalization at large all factor into an uncertain greater job market. 


However, in convention with everything there is always a silver lining. Some markets have risen substantially in relation to everything going on in the world. Some of the fields that have risen are:


Education: Having to adapt to remote learning opportunities, the education scope has widened significantly.


Technology: Machine learning, digital marketing, AI and content creation have all had significant upheaval, giving opportunities in the job market.


Medical: The medical field, especially in regards to nursing and health services, have grown significantly to cope with everything going on in relation to the COVID pandemic.


However, with regards to everything going on, many signs point that the best is yet to come for job seekers, especially within the context of growing industries.